Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Now I’m speechless
Over the edge
I’m just breathless
I never thought that I’d catch this
Lovebug again

Head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I’d get hit
By this lovebug again

I had math tuition with most of th 1993 babies on Saturday and Sunday. I accidentally met Clara on the bus and I didn't know that she was going for the tuition 'cause she said she didn't wanna go at first. We also met Esther but she was going for her church.

Anyway! There was this family in the bus who were talking about the Clara and I and for the first time, Clara was mistaken for a malay and for the i dontknow how many time, i was mistaken for a chinese. -.- RIGHT.
she got excited HAAHAHA!!

It was like picnic for th both of us during tuition and we were so high, we could just fly! HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAH!! We were freezing, it was freaking cold and we totally sat at th wrong spot.

we were supposed to be dragons..
..i hate my fringe here

that's clara's feet on Nicole's chair

Clara and Nicole didn't come on Sunday so it was only me and Glenda! We were very high, we almost fly (: And we weren't as cold like we were on Saturday cause we sat at the back! :D so smart right? duh. We had another picnic session (actually the whole class) and Glenda was having some sms session. HEHEHE!!

EOYs have already started.

Sitting in th hall whole with the whole batch, doing the same paper is actually quite stressful. Okay no, it's not really stressful, i just can't find the right word. :S i have to brush up on my vocab.

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir dan Batin :D

Friday, September 26, 2008

If you're out on the road
Feeling lonely, and so cold
All you have to do is call my name
And I'll be there in the next train

Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead

UGK. Charolette, Gracia, Liyana and I spent almost an hour counting money for the grad night tickets and it was seriously bugging all of us! Gracia and Liyana spent most of their time counting 'cause I don't like to count money (especially big numbers since i'm not really good at numbers) but i do like money alot (especially big numbers!) and Charolette was just sleepy and at one point she wasn't sure of what she was saying. HAHAHAHA!!!!

So after like counting the money like numerous times, we somehow got more than what we were supposed to get and we also somehow got lesser than what we were supposed to get. -.- In the end, each of us took turns and counted the money.
Charolette had to help me to punch in the numbers on my calculator (told you i was bad! i don't think i ought to become a banker. I think i'm scared of numbers). We finally got the right amount! Well except for Charolette, i think she was reallyreallyreally sleepy. "/

The graduation ceremony today was..good? Er i dontknow, I was only there to serve the graduadants (?! i think they were called that?) their food. Okay no, actually Clara and I were supposed to serve the VIPs. We served the VIPs for the first course but uh...i dont know what happened next. Anyway, i had fun serving, carrying freaking heavy trays, walking here and there, refilling water and taking dirty dishes.

I think all of us did a great job at serving people, potential servers. HAHA :D

Call Kuo Chuan Presbyterian's Student Council if you don't have enough hands to help serve people their food! We will be obliged to help you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello! How have you been?

I know i haven't been updating much. I'm not really on hiatus though, i just don't feel like blogging you see. and besides, what's the difference if i'm on hiatus or not? hah!

Anyway, I went to the Omni-Theatre yesterday with th geog students to watch some Grand Canyon Adventure movie and some Wild Ocean movie. It was good! Ok no actually, the wild ocean movie was kind of boring. "/

The Grand Canyon Adventure movie reminded me of NZ! UGK!!! Especially at the parts when they were rafting and there were rapids and I was silently giggling to myself as I thought about the time when group 2 was doing our white water rafting. HAHAHAHA!!!!
NZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZNZ!!!!!! it's gonna be a year soon :)

The Grand Canyon Adventure movie makes me want to visit the Grand Canyon!! :D
so many places to see, so little time :( Oh yes! i would also like to visit South Africa! but my sister says that place isn't really safe so......okay. -.-

After the trip, we started to do animal faces and it was freaking hilarious!

You see those people at the background?
They were actually waiting for us! HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!


i shall go and do the right thing by doing my art and studying. UGK.

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Take care of my heart-I've left it with you,"

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Friday, September 12, 2008

My comp is lagging like a babz! Yes, it's working already :D i don't know what my sister did. She just pressed the power button at the CPU and it turned on! When I pressed the bloody button, it wouldn't on! My CPU has issues :/

Anyway, I got myself a set of Harry Potter GoF postcards of the TriWizard Champions for passing my chemistry (cause i actually thought i would fail and i promised myself i'll get something nice for passing-and i did! :D)!! I'm going to replace Katie Leung's face with my f a c e! LMAO, i was just kidding! HAHAHA!
So now I'm hunting for something nice to buy for myself since I also thought I would fail POA since I didn't really study much and i promised myself i would buy something nice if i passed POA and again, i did! So yep. I'm saving up my money to get some movie merchandise or probably some clothes will do. I dontknow. :D

Why must the Cullen boys look so mesmerizing and charismatic? WHY.

'I'm only afraid of losing you'

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Happy Twilight Tuesday!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

urgh! school starts tomorrow. uuuuuuuuuuurrrgggh~

nick jonas is so cute! haha!! :D
i can't stand my blog..

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

We're not the same, dear, as we used to be.
The seasons have changed and so have we.
There was little we could say, and even less we could do
To stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you.

We bury our love in the windsory grave
Along came the snow, that was all that remained.
But we stayed by its side as the days turned to weeks
And the ice kept getting thinner with every word that we'd speak.

And when spring arrived
We were taken by surprise when the flows under our feet
Led into the sea
Nothing was left for you and me.

We're not the same, dear,
And it seems to me
There's more where we can go
With nothing underneath.
And it saddens me to say
But we both know, well, it's true
That the ice was getting thinner
Under me and you.
The ice was getting thinner
Under me and you.

i feel that i've let down so many people today.

Monday, September 01, 2008

just another manic monday, waking up at 4.45AM+ to have my breakfast. Not eating from 5.40AM++ to 7.05PM++. It's going to be a routine for the next 22days or so..

anyway, i shall bring out my inner Alice Cullen in me now. If I'm not wrong, the September holidays are going to be much, much, much, much suckier than the June holidays. Yep, something tells me that mama won't let me leave this place called home. I feel like Anne Frank :(
If you asked me out, be prepared to be turned down. Don't say I didn't warn you.

okay bye. selamat berpuasa-ing!
i'm going to find that pokemon cartridge! >:(