Monday, August 28, 2006

my sister's friends were at my house just now. but they've gone home.
spaghetti's are the bomb! ;D

school was alright! i was hyper the whole day. let's see..

i was reading Clara's Teenage mag. & i passed my maths test! woohoo!~ mrs wong was outside the class, observing us. seriously, it's like no use 'cause the class will still be noisy. she was observing the class cause she said alot of teachers complain about the class & blahblahblah. typical ( does the typical look whhich syed taught clara ). (:

me&yasmine didnt go for chapel 'cause..we didn't want to. continued reading clara's mag with yasmine. listen to yasmine's mp3 while syahidah & nazeera was reading the mag.

pe! woohoo!!~ practised passing the ball with yasmine. yasmine passed to hard & i couldnt make it stop so it went down down down. then, i ask one upper sec boy to help me get it. he threw up but failed & he tried again. & it went above us. ahahhaha!! played a floorball match. my group won! hahahah!! 1-0! hahahahha! yay yay yay!!

we were learning about molecules-i think. something like that. & i didnt feel tired! WOOHOO!!~ shit. there's a bloody test tomorrow. agh! tests sucks like jdhngn

copied some comprehension thingay. & i decided to change my handwriting. from big to small! yasmine says my handwriting is nicer when it's small. yay!!~ i'll try to change. hoohoo.

camwhored with brenda & clara on the way home. :D
ultimate camwhorer. pics will be uploaded when she gives me the pics.

  • 1. Magical Unicorn Wallet
  • 2. Paperplane Wallet

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