Sunday, August 27, 2006

i went for a facial yesterday with momma & sistar! mm-hmm!!! damn nice. it was at some building opposite Funan Shopping Mall. while waiting for my turn, momma & me sat at the chairs & we realised that there was a baby at the counter. so cute. suddenly, the baby kept on crying & wailing. OH MY-i hate it when babies cry or even worse, WAIL. sucks. one girl, who i think was the sister went to the baby. but the baby was still crying! so, me & momma decided to go to Old Chang Kee to buy food & momma cant stand the noise in the shop. it's not that she didnt want to help. she wanted to, but you know, you can't carry another person's child when you are even related to her or you can get sued.
when we came back, the baby stoopped crying 'cause the grandmomma was there & momma had to go & it was my turn!! yay!! & blah..blah..blah.

after the session, me & my sister went to meet my aunt at somerset. we went to the Lime bazaar. they sold many stuff. TEHY WERE SELLING SUNNIES!! but it was 25 bucks. urgh, hello? i had 15 bucks with me! but i didnt buy the sunnies though. we saw some furry ear studs. my aunty bought for me & my sister. ooh!~ then, we went to another stall which sells earrings & ear studs. we saw Voodoo Earrings. SOOO CUTE!! i bought a pair for myself & another pair for my sister. so sweet right? HAHAHAHAH!!
we went to cine to get drinks. then we saw a booth & went to the booth. we stayed at the booth for 20 mins. for what? my aunty couldn't make up her mind to buy or not to buy a gorgeous shirt. ughh. while waiting, i saw a few kcpians. sec3 kcpians. but i didnt care. in the end, my aunty didnt buy. -_-''
we went to taka. saw a booth selling sunnies. i wanted to buy but my sister said that it was so not worth it. so fine..i didnt buy. we went to the food bazaar at taka. bought the usual chocolate bread. sedaaaap!!!
went to wisma atria. my aunty went to isetan 'cause there was a sale. & my feet was aching like hcsjgfg but i didnt complain. she bought a clarks shoe. me & my sister went to the shoe deprtment while waiting for my aunty to pay. we thought we saw birkenstocks. but it was fcking NECKERMAN? wtf la. so un-originality lor. & i just realised that Birkenstocks are soo common. so, no birkenstocks for me for this year's Hari Raya. we went to Charles & Keith & i saw a gorgeous wedge! ahh!! we didnt buy anything at C&K. so, we went to forever 21. OMG OMG OMG!!! i bought a sunnie. Nicole Richie man!! hahahahah!! diamante.
went to fetch my other sister at borders. i saw a lovely lunchbox! teehee. but i didnt buy..

went to Chai Chee to meet momma & poppa for dinner. watched singapore idol while eating. hahah! pig-o.

Rollergirl Jacket

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