Tuesday, June 27, 2006

i shall talk about d&t since,
i just wanna talk about it. (:

the starting of the lesson was too OVER BORING!
so boring, that nicole fell asleep.
i was about to fall asleep but i drank lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots
* take a deep breath *
of water.
just to keep me awake la.

after the oh-so-boring! part of d&t..
we began to make............
so fun la.
we draw a cross to find the centre,
after that, take a compass and draw a circle.
next, go to a saw-something for some cutting to make it into a circle!
then, go to a table and fine the edges!!

i didnt exactly cut.
i TRIED!!!
but abel insisted on doing it.
so, i let him!!

that's all.
it was quite fun!!

you know you love me. <3

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