Sunday, November 02, 2008

I hope i'm not late =/

today marks a veryveryvery special day to some of us (:
If today was the 2 November 2007, we're on the aeroplane on the way to Auck(a)land (HAHAAH)! And i would most probably be watching Hairspray or Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. (:

YESYESYES!!! I'll give you 100 (monopoly) bucks if you get the right answer.

IT HAS BEEN A YEAR, exactly 365 days (:
Happy 1 year anniversary to, the most awesome and wonderful trip i've been to, THE NEW ZEALAND LEADERSHIP CAMP!! :D

Ahhh, i miss everything! New Zealand's cheapskate-looking-but-tastes-heavenly icecream, long bus rides, jokes, washing clothes late in the night, caving, LOVE TRIANGLES (PFFT ROFLMAO), hyena laughter (omg, freaking classic), cleaning up the rubbish dump, screaming at funky looking moths, gossiping and bitching, bathing for 3minutes or so, camping, getting 14 or so deep cuts that still leaves a mark (:, 2 blisters that are still leaving an ugly mark, Desmond immitating liyana's passport picture (HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!), sleeping very late at kiwiparka, getting complaints from the neighbours, running to pak'n'save instead or warehouse (sad to the max), riding the swoop and zorb, eating maggi in the middle of the night, tube rafting, doing the caving skit, doing stupid forfeits with victoria like wearing only 2 layers of clothing (which also included the everyday necessity) in the middle of the night in rotorua.

UGK, there are too much fond memories to be listed out! Too much, that i can cry! HAHAHAHA, so sentimental pfffft.

Hope you guys enjoyed the trip as much as i did!
im looking forward to the gathering :)


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