Sunday, July 29, 2007

'cause it's my life.

aaahhh!!! i'm having a runny nose RIGHT. NOW. eeeee, it's so uncomfortable and it's super bloody irritating. & when i blow, my nose will be in pain. disgusting liquid-OKAY, this is gross. i shall not continue anymore.

moving away from runny nose topic...

i went for a WALKATHON-which was shown on all the 4 launguaged local news-yesterday with Ms Wong's church peeps and the Drama Club. i had lotsa and lotsa and lotsa of fun!!

i told John, Esther and Abelin that my name was Holly and they believed!! THEY EVEN SAID MY NAME WAS NICE! oh, of course-thanks yous very much.
john: hmm, i forgot your name. i know you're *points to nicole* Nicole and you're *points to clara* Mary.
clara: yeah. Mary Clara Tan.
john: yeah! so what's your name? i forgot.
me: Holly.
john: Holly? *pronounced it as Holy*
me: NO NO NO!!! it's not Holy! it's hall-ly. H-O-L-L-Y. Holly.
clara: *smiles*
john: ohh-okay. Holly.
clara: Holly Keats right?
john: Keats? you're eurasian?
me: yeah. my dad is caucasian.
john: oh, that's cool. Holly, your name is nice! I think the name Kolly is also nice.
me: Kolly? YEAH! very unique.
john: eh guys, her name is Holly! nice name right?

and another one with Esther and Abelin;

me: do you know my name?
esther: noo, i forgot.
me: Holly.
esther: Oh, that's a nice name!!
abelin: does your friends call you Polly Pocket?
me: HAHA!! no.
esther: it's like HOLLYday. are you eurasian?
me: umm-yeah. you can say so, 'cause my dad is caucasian.
esther: ooooh.

what can i say?

when we were on our way back to school, glenda blasted the songs on her phone and Leon started singing.

someone in the bus: Oh my god, Leon! please don't sing.
leon: *doesn't care and continues singing*
clara: glenda, the next song you're going to play, play the song which leon doesn't like.
glenda: OKAY!!
*song ends and some song-which i think it's When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne-starts to play*
someone in the bus: shit!!
*all of us started to sing together*

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Leon Tai, a very nice guy!

and i'm out.

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