Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i soo wanna change my phone la. the buttons are spoiled & it will hang by itself. but too bad-i hafta wait until next year. damn..

hinwen, me & kimmy were talking about birthdays. & we realised that many people we know are born in october! how awesome is that? it's totalleh AWESOME okay. i shall list it down:
  • ME!! duuuuh
  • Hin Wen!! duuuuuh
  • Zac Efron. lmao
  • My cousin
  • My other cousin
  • Hin wen's cousin
  • Hin wen's other cousin
  • Gwen Toh
  • Dharishini
  • Hin Wen's friend

see? so many. & zac efron's nrithday is 18 October! the day of the auditions for ____ ______ _______ _ !!!!!! WAHHHH!!! the *four* of us wanna go! you know who you are! lmao! & 2 more days is moi's bday. awesome shit-i tell you.


1) Skull Tee. 2) Skull Earrings anyone? 3) Rachel Leigh Skull Necklace.

im going skulls today. & i don't know why.

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