Thursday, August 31, 2006


i will be going to malaysia from the 31st of August - 3rd of September

me & clara won the fruit salad competition. when i went up the stage, boy-i felt so paiseh. it's like, everyone is looking at you & ugh. we got a recipe book each. i took the 'Gorgeous Cookies'. while clara took the brownies & icing book. teeheeee!!

teacher's day concert was funny! HAHAHAHAH!! especially the skit which was performed by the teachers. hilarious man! lmao!

went to mcs with debra, leah & netra. i payed for the bloody cab fare. you guys (except leah) owe me man! i dontcare. we can only like, stay around the canteen or the foyer! like, WTF! hello? the security is like damn tight! VERY TIGHT! sucked la. saw my old gal pal, ATIQAH!! WOOHOO!!~. damn chio la, i tell you. too bad i forgot to take a pic of her. shitto.

went home with mia & nurul. mia was quite paranoid that the rain will get into her nachos & she thought it will be POISONED! HAHAHHAAHAHHA!! i cant stop laughing! HAHAHHA!!
what can i say? AHAHHAHA!!

YUMMY TEE!! so cute. i like.

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